Linen closets contain essential household items like pillows, bedding sets, hand towels, and cleaning supplies. As a catch-all for various objects, keeping your bathroom or hall linen closet organized is important.

We have 16 tried-and-tested genius tips to help you get a quick start on organizing your linen closet.

1. Put Frequently Used Items Up Front

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

2. Keep Rarely Used Objects Out of Sight

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

3. Use Open Bins and Baskets

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

4. Store Smaller Items In Glass Jars

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

5. Roll Up Washcloths

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

6. Stash Sheets Inside Pillowcases

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

7. Put Labels On Everything

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

8. Keep Track of What You Store

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

9. Use Vertical Dividers

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

10. Use Under Shelf Organizers

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

11. Get Better at Folding to Reduce Size

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

12. Utilize Closet Door Space

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

13. Remove Moisture and Add a Fresh Scent

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

14. Lay Down Shelf Liners

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

15. Install Wall Hooks

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

16. Place Large Baskets Below

One of the top linen closet organization ideas is to store your most frequently used articles in the front of the closet.

Placing them on shelves at chest or eye-level height also ensures easier access for you and your guests.

The ability to quickly grab items like cleaning supplies, hand towels, or backup bathroom toiletries is ideal for most homes.

Think about what you use most and save space for it front and center.

If the tips above are helpful, read on for step-by-step instructions on how to organize linen closet items to maximize storage space, ensure easy access to essentials, and maintain tidiness.

Once you complete these steps, you will have an aesthetically pleasing, highly useful finished space. Use them to transform your space into its best possible configuration.

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS for Linen Closet Organization

Whether you are moving in or want to refresh your space, these step-by-step instructions are your guide to a decluttered, simplified, and organized linen closet space.

Step 1: Take Everything Out

To start, take every item out of your linen closet. While this may seem like additional work, it is the best way to understand what you have and how best to use the space moving forward. 

Step 2: Clean the Inside of the Linen Closet

Wipe down the inside of your empty linen closet utilizing a sponge or paper towel and an all-purpose cleaning spray. Get the walls, shelves, and door to start with a fresh, clean space free from dust and allergens

Step 3: Sort Items Into Piles and Categories

Next, sort your linen closet contents into piles based on specific categories. 

With linens, put flat and fitted sheets in matching sets, or sort them by size or type if you don’t have matching sets. Place blankets, pillow cases, and sheets in separate piles. Or, put all King sized linens in one place, Queen in another, and so on. 

With towels, separate into piles of washcloths, bath towels, and hand towels. 

For other things, create a personalized categorization system. Depending on what you keep in your linen closet, this could include piles of ironing supplies, vacuum accessories, cleaning products, medicines, and extra toiletries like toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair ties, cotton balls, Q-tips, and more. 

Step 4: Relocate Things That Don’t Belong In the Linen Closet

If you come across miscellaneous items that do not belong in your linen closet, relocate them to a better place. Toss out any objects that are worn out and donate articles you may no longer need. This simplifies linen closet organization, frees up extra space, and allows for easy access to things when you need them. 

There is not one way to use a linen closet, so what you would put in your linen closet may not be the same thing your best friend would put in her linen closet. Just be consistent; if you already have shelves for your office supplies, then don’t put your stapler or pens in your linen closet.

Step 5: Use Storage Containers for Linen Closet Organization

Now that you know your categories and items, buy storage containers to help ensure division, maintain tidiness, and enhance style. 

Many different types of containers are suitable for linen closet organization, but plastic bins and rattan or wire baskets are your best friends when it comes to keeping a tidy linen closet. A basket or bin keeps similar items together without obscuring your view. They also come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate every linen closet.   

Airtight storage bags are perfect for extra linens and bedding that aren’t used frequently. Glass jars are also ideal for small items like Q-tips. 

Additional storage tools to consider: 

Step 6: Setup Linen Closet Shelves and Closet Space

Once you have all the necessary supplies, it is time to designate zones and set up your organizing equipment. If you are using a shelf liner, lay it down first. Install any hooks or door racks. 

Then, determine the proper configuration for your baskets, bins, or dividers on the shelves. Select one shelf for bed linens, another for towels, and so on until you have an appropriate place for all your items. 

You can place your containers properly or leave them out to fill.  

Step 7: Start From the Top and Deep Inside

Fold and stack your bed linens, pillowcases, and towels for proper storage. Continue to put items in bins and baskets until you have all articles contained. Then, start inserting them into their designated spot. 

Start at the top of your linen closet and deep inside. Things that are rarely used, like old towels or sheets, extra pillows, and other miscellaneous items, should be placed on higher shelves to ensure room for more commonly used items below.

Heavier or liquid items, like vacuum cleaners or detergent, should be placed on the floor, or at least the bottom shelf.

Pro Tip: Learn to fold well because doing so can really save space. It can also make organization fun when you get the hang of the process.

Step 8: Place Frequently Used Objects In Front

Work your way down the linen closet placing frequently used sheets, linens, toiletries, and cleaning products closer to eye or chest level. Storing everyday objects up front makes them easier to stick in and grab when needed. 

Continue inserting baskets and bins until all items are stored on the shelves. If you run out of room, organize them slightly differently until you get them right.  

Once everything is in place, you can apply labels to shelves and bins to complete the linen closet organization process. 

How to Store Towels and Sheets Linen Closet?

Towels, sheets, and other linens should be folded or rolled for storage. Properly folding items ensures they take up minimal space, especially when done properly. 

Once folded, decide whether you want to stack your towels and sheets or store them in baskets or bins. Both methods work exceptionally well.

Just make sure to organize them into sets or by color and size for quicker location. Separating colors and whites makes it easier for laundry and creates a nice aesthetic appeal inside the linen closet.  

What Are the Best Containers for Organizing a Linen Closet?

Clear plastic bins are typically the best storage container for linen closet organization. Clear containers make it easier to see without rummaging through the contents to find what you need. Instead, you can see everything at a glance. 

Wire baskets are also great for linen closets because they allow a clear view of contents. However, they are not ideal for smaller items and may leave marks on your sheets and towels. 

What Do You Put in the Storage Space at the Bottom of a Linen Closet?

Linen closet organization is as much about how you put things as it is about where you put them.

Most linen closets have a large space at the bottom that you can use for versatile, organized storage. The lower area is perfect for larger items like toilet paper or pillows. You can also fill the space with extra towels and other infrequently used items. 

If your linen closet has enough room for laundry baskets, the bottom floor space is typically ideal for them.

An Organized Linen Closet Awaits 

An organized space, whether it’s in your drawer, closet, or shelf, makes finding and using things as simple as possible for your family and guests. It also helps you save time while maximizing storage potential. Maintaining linen closet organization is also easy once the task is done, and decluttering can reduce stress. Invest the time to put some organization in your linen closet today, and we guarantee you will not regret it!


Emily Alexander